Comprising eighteen lunch knives with weighted handles and silver blades, WC, London, 1829; one fruit knife with silver blade, Birmingham, 1829; six fruit knives, RM/EH, Sheffield, 1906; twelve dinner forks, GN, GP and WE, London, 1781, 1783 and 1743; twelve lunch forks, RW, JW and JW, London, 1823 and 1845; twelve fruit forks, Mappin & Webb and AH, Sheffield, 1840 and 1913; thirteen teaspoons, various marks and dates; six teaspoons, JH & Co., Edinburgh, 1842; twelve tablespoons, GP, London, 1823 and RW, JW and JW, 1845; twelve large soupspoons, GP, 1821 and 1832 and others; five assembled salt spoons; and one coffee spoon. 149.82 oz. weighable.,